In the 1950 classic film Father of the Bride, George, played by Spenser Tracy, sees his daughter Annie, played by Elizabeth Taylor, taking her wedding vows and thinking to himself, "At that moment I realized that I was never going to go home again and see Annie at the top of the stairs. Never going to see her again in her nightgown and socks at our breakfast table... Annie was all grown up and left us and something started hurting inside."The scene might be fiction, but the feeling behind it is true. The parents and their children walk a delicate line between past and future on the wedding day. Letting go is never easy, but heart-filled photographs can be made for drama. Wedding photographers catch intimate moments through experience and instinct that other bridal couples usually don't see, giving them insight into the hearts of the people they love.
At some point during the wedding day the parents are unexpectedly hit with the reality that their children are grown up and beginning their own lives. Often this moment happens after the father leads the bride down the aisle, sometimes during the dance of the parents, and sometimes after the ceremony it is immediately. These moments, however, are full of distinct, raw emotions and make beautiful images. Maybe keeping a close watch on the father of the bride as he and the bride reach the end of the aisle. Thus, as those feelings emerge, the wedding photographers will catch a moment that is raw, but from which they are both ready and invisible. The dimension of this apparent invisibility on the part of the wedding photographer is important because the purpose of wedding photojournalism is to be unobtrusive. Therefore, when appropriate, it is vital to give the couple and the guests their space while being prepared to step up and get the picture
A close bond between wedding photographers, bridal couples and wedding parties makes for stunning, intimate images on a wedding day. The most important thing to capture beautiful images is not whether the couple and the wedding decor are picture-perfect. Instead, the best pictures are those that come from developing a friendship with the couple so that their feelings and affection for each other flow through. This affection and care is shared between both the family and visitors, allowing for a healthy level of emotion. It is this outpouring of love that will make the day unforgettable and make the wedding photographer's work much easier.
Location: Port Washington.